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Process mining: definition and benefits

Process mining is an advanced technology that is becoming increasingly important in today's business world. In this article, we'll go into detail about what process mining is and how it can help companies analyze, optimize, and closely monitor their processes.

What is process mining?

Process mining is a data-based method for analyzing business processes. It uses event logs from IT systems to reconstruct the actual course of processes. These event logs record all activities, times, and resources involved in a process. Process Mining visualizes this data to make the process flow visible and gain insights into its processes.

Why is process mining important?

Today, companies are faced with the challenge of continuously optimizing their processes. This is where process mining comes in. By enabling companies to objectively analyze processes, weak points can be identified and potential improvements can be identified. This results in greater efficiency, cost savings and, ultimately, greater competitiveness.

The benefits of process mining

1. Transparency and visibility

Process mining provides clarity about complex processes. Companies get a visual representation of their processes, which makes it possible to immediately identify bottlenecks and bottlenecks. This promotes an understanding of processes and makes it easier to identify optimization options.

2. Process optimization

Efficient processes are an essential part of a company's success. Process mining identifies inefficient steps and bottlenecks that can impact productivity. Companies can address these weaknesses in a targeted manner to ensure smooth processes.

3. Data-based decisions

Process mining is based on facts and data, not on assumptions. Companies can make decisions based on actual process data. This minimizes risks and promotes data-based decision-making cultures.

4. Compliance and Risk Management

Accurate recording of processes supports regulatory compliance and makes risk management easier. Deviations from requirements are quickly identified and can be remedied to minimize legal risks.

5. Continuous improvement

Process mining is a tool for continuous improvement. Through repeated analyses, companies can constantly optimize their processes and adapt them to changing conditions.


Process mining is a powerful tool for understanding business processes, optimizing them and finally monitoring them. Companies that use this technology are able to increase efficiency, reduce costs and better meet competitive challenges. Process mining not only offers transparency, but also the opportunity to make data-based decisions and promote continuous development.

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