Data & AI
Data Strategy & Governance
Raising the needs-based handling of essential data to a new level is the basis for many technological innovations. A sophisticated data strategy is essential.
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Illustration of a processor to illustrate AI consulting & AI integration

Approach data strategy consulting the right way

How important it is to properly process your company's existing data sets and use them accordingly is shown when looking at promising developments in the future, such as increasingly powerful AI. To this end, we offer our comprehensive consulting services on data strategy.

What can your data do?

Data is the backbone of every company. Accordingly, they should be given adequate treatment. Long-term data strategy consulting pays off particularly when it comes to data governance. To help your business flourish, we do everything we can to help you make more out of your data assets.

Looking ahead strategically — passionate data strategy consulting

A glimpse of the predicted future is only as good as the quality of the data and corresponding databases that are in use today. To truly rely on data-driven forecasts, you need a well-thought-out data strategy. We help you to position yourself strategically for the future and offer comprehensive data strategy advice, which also focuses on appropriate data governance.

Think data strategy and data governance together

Data strategy and data governance go together. Detailed advice benefits both issues. The goal of our data strategy consulting is to create framework processes that are necessary to manage, secure and use data in every company or enterprise. In turn, the goal of data governance is to ensure that data is managed in a consistent, reliable and trustworthy way in order to improve data quality, minimize risks and maximize the respective benefits of the information.

Maximize the strategic value of data through comprehensive consulting

Now more than ever, data is an important business resource. Used correctly, they can be a powerful tool for decision-making. Ultimately, it is always a matter of deciding on profit or loss and trusting the data-driven forecasts. To this end, it is essential to carefully set up the strategic handling of data and the appropriate data governance from the outset. It is therefore worthwhile to consider data strategy advice.

Benefits for you

Strive to the forefront with data strategy consulting

Illustration of a process to illustrate AI consulting to automate tasks

data quality

Up-to-date standards and best practices help to improve the quality of your data.
Illustration of a target to illustrate that AI consulting helps with better decision-making

Manage data more efficiently

Save valuable time and resources by adopting more efficient routines.
Illustration of a document folder to illustrate how AI consulting leads to more efficient data analysis

risk reduction

Reduce the strategic risk of data breaches or data protection violations.

Individual advice

Photo of two AI consultants talking to you.
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Our expertise

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Our customers

Unique service for unique customers
Our customers | Assecor IT ConsultingOur customers | IT consulting, IT company Berlin, IT company Berlin, IT service provider Berlin
Safe and high quality
We are ISO9001 and
ISO 27001
certified and have the status of Microsoft Gold Partners
Photo of a group of AI consultants working on laptops.

About us

Why Assecor
Data strategy and data governance are topics that are incredibly important, especially when it comes to implementing AI. As software developers, we have a lot of expertise, which we use profitably for you.

Our certifications

With our certifications ISO9001 and ISO 27001 We have been certified that our services meet high quality and safety standards. Especially when it comes to implementing AI, it is particularly important to approach such a process sustainably and prudently.

Our partners

We have a large partner network, which enables us to scale projects accordingly and to call on required resources even at short notice.

In addition, in the immediate vicinity of the Assecor Group, we have Cybay New Media GmbH and Splone also access to creative and comprehensive IT security services.

Always technologically up-to-date

With regard to the technologies used, we always strive to use the latest iterations of the most important programs.

For us, being up to date also means continuous training in this regard. Only those who are familiar with the latest state of technological development can provide good advice.


Frequently asked questions at a glance

What is a data strategy?

A data strategy is a plan or roadmap that sets the vision, goals, priorities, and direction for how an organization uses data. It shows how data is used to maximize business benefits and thus create competitive advantages.

What is data governance?

Data governance is the process of developing and implementing policies, standards, procedures, and responsibilities to ensure data quality, security, privacy, and compliance in an organization. It is the operational component of the data strategy.

What is the role of data governance in implementing a data strategy?

Data governance plays a critical role in implementing a data strategy because it ensures that the policies, standards, and procedures are in place to achieve the strategy's goals. Data governance also defines responsibilities and roles within a company to ensure that the data strategy is effectively implemented and is showing the desired effects.

How is the success of a data strategy measured?

The success of a data strategy can be measured using various metrics, including improving data quality, increasing data availability and accessibility, reduced number of data silos, increasing data-based decision-making, and regulatory compliance. Being comprehensively consulted on a good data strategy is an important aspect of future-proof business.

What impact does data strategy have on the introduction of AI?

Since AI is built on a foundation of data that is intended to train the system, the general connection is pretty obvious. The quality of this data foundation and the coherent state of storage of the individual data points can be considered essential for the implementation of promising technologies. Data strategy consulting therefore always pays off.

Photo by Christoph Kruse, your contact person for AI consulting and AI integration in your company
Your point of contact
Christoph Kruse
Christoph Kruse is an expert in digital transformation and corresponding project management. Since 2021, he works at Assecor as a Business Development Manager and has more than 15 years of relevant project experience.
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