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Microsoft Office 365: “O365 Pick-Me-Up” Project Marketing for Stromnetz Berlin

Preparing around 1,400 employees for a new office solution is challenging. With the O365-Pick-Me-Up training program with workshops and internal lecture series, Stromnetz has prepared change management for a modern digital workplace.
Technologie- & Tool-Stack:


For successful digitization, it is important to provide employees with relevant knowledge and practical information. The necessary transfer of relevant skills and know-how is particularly important in this regard. The challenge at Stromnetz Berlin GmbH (SNB) was to prepare employees as specifically as possible for the upcoming rollout of Office 365. The vision of the digital workplace is characterized, among other things, by the fact that people are able to communicate with each other regardless of location and with sophisticated identity and role management. In fact, however, employees generally have very different requirements when it comes to using technical aids. In order to create a uniform level of knowledge, Assecor employees should give short presentations on individual topics relating to services from the Microsoft Office 365 environment in consultation with the customer. In addition to the transfer of knowledge, the stated goal was to adequately prepare SNB employees for the rollout of O365. In particular, this included creating a uniform knowledge base among the workforce in order to enable general understanding and to promote individual identification with the respective projects. A series of lectures called “DigiHours”, created specifically for this purpose, should serve this purpose.

“Assecor has always been a helpful partner: What's the next step? It was important to be able to have an open and sometimes controversial dialogue with Assecor advisors. ”

Peter Fürstenberg, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH


Together with Assecor, the SNB developed a coherent roadmap for project marketing. Trainings and lectures should prepare the ground for the extensive rollout of Microsoft Office 365. The aim was to inspire both inexperienced and technically savvy employees in 30-minute short, workshop presentations and to introduce them to the individual possibilities and advantages of Office 365. The whole thing happened under the title “O365-Pick-Me-Up”. In accordance with a jointly developed editorial plan, central aspects of the new digital workplace with O365 were presented as part of “DigiHours”.

“DigiHours” were held on the following exemplary topics: SharePoint Online, OneDrive 4 Business, OneNote or Skype 4 Business. In addition to training, Assecor employees created so-called “one-pagers”: one-page guidance for users on the SNB side. The training material was uploaded to SharePoint Online in a digital training portal designed and implemented by Assecor together with the SNB and also made available centrally for upcoming training courses. The training portal in question contains not only the “one-pagers”, but also further presentation material from the consecutive “DigiHours”, a calendar of events and thematically appropriate, meticulously curated news.

Benefits of the Assecor solution

Benefits of the Assecor solution
Direction Sign
Prudent introduction
In order to ensure acceptance of the changes by all employees, a lot of time was spent on the appropriate implementation.
Remove systemic hurdles
The problems of the previous system were successively identified and reduced.
Page with a question mark
One Pager, Quick Tips, FAQ
Helping people to help themselves through coherent documentation.
Photo by fauxels on pexels

Anreisser Keyword

Headline für Dreifaltigkeit.
Prudent introduction
In order to ensure acceptance of the changes by all employees, a lot of time was spent on the appropriate implementation.
Remove systemic hurdles
The problems of the previous system were successively identified and reduced.
One Pager, Quick Tips, FAQ
Helping people to help themselves through coherent documentation.
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